SEM Institute

Services – SEM Institute

Our Services

Business competition, which is driven by the increasing consumer need for the high-quality products and excellent service in the midst of rapid environmental changes, requires business people to identify, design, and implement various strategies to win the competition. Similarly, it is faced by government agencies and the public, mainly due to the increasing political awareness of the people. The public is increasingly demanding the improvement of excellent public services to government agencies and other public service providers. This situation raises the need for strategic policy and marketing research for companies, and public policy research for public institutions and governments. This starts from the formulation of master strategies to action plans.

The ability of businesses and public services to identify, formulate, and implement various strategies and policies is often influenced by a number of factors such as limited ability (competence, expertise, and experience). SEM Institute will help companies, public institutions, and governments to obtain excellent solutions in winning the competition or providing public services. Our services include consultation in problem formulation, problem-solving design, interpretation of study results, and strategic policy recommendations.

The availability of professional human resources (experts, high work ethics, and trustworthy) in order to achieve resource efficiency, process optimization, and improve organizational performance, especially in the implementation of appropriate strategies and policies is a necessity for every organization. In order to support the human resources development strategy, SEM Institute presents motivational and management training services and other training according to the need assessment.