SEM Institute

Research - SEM Institute


Business competition, which is driven by the increasing consumer need for the high-quality products and excellent service in the midst of rapid environmental changes, requires business people to identify, design, and implement various strategies to win the competition. Similarly, it is faced by government agencies and the public, mainly due to the increasing political awareness of the people. The public is increasingly demanding the improvement of excellent public services to government agencies and other public service providers. This situation raises the need for strategic policy and marketing research for companies, and public policy research for public institutions and governments. This starts from the formulation of master strategies to action plans.

To get the right choice of strategy requires the support of accurate data and information. SEM Institute is a trusted strategic policy and marketing research institution because it is supported by extensive experience and network in Indonesia as well as the support of professional experts and interviewers, providing strategic research and marketing services. The consistency of SEM Institute as the Best Partner for Strategic and Marketing Solution is a guarantee of the quality of services provided. The scope of services of the SEM Institute includes problem formulation, solving design, interpretation of research results, and policy/strategy recommendations. 

Study of Regional Development Policy

Consisting of regional potential studies and development policy studies. An in-depth study of regional potential. Regional potentials will be assessed based on existing characteristics, including internal characteristics (HR, organizational and physical resources (location of natural resources, existing natural resources conditions, etc.)) and then combined with the circumstances regional and macro (existing opportunities and challenges faced). Based on this study, potential recommendations will be produced that can be utilized as core competences along with strategies to accelerate the pace of regional development. Development policy studies are packaged to conduct an assessment of existing development policies followed by the design/formulation of policies, strategies, and action programs based on the region’s core competencies, trends in community needs, and regulations.

Peformance Survey

This program aims to measure the overall performance of a company based on stakeholder perceptions. Through this performance survey, the company’s existing performance will be obtained along with related recommendations/suggestions for continuous performance improvement.

Business Model and Marketing Survey

The development of the business world which is very advanced and rapid requires business people to carry out proper analysis in running their business. This service is intended to help measure and assess the level of eligibility and choose the right business model to be applied to the business that will be run or developed and is intended to produce recommendations for marketing strategies that will be implemented by the company. The scope of the survey offered is brand equity measurement and segmentation research. This service consists of customer satisfaction surveys, ad-tests, and mystery shopping.

Measuring the level of consumer/customer satisfaction with the quality of service and the characteristics of a product.

Measuring effectiveness, perception, and usually focus on the competitive aspect (effectiveness of the ad compared to competitors’ ads).

Retail audit conducted to determine performance, effectiveness, product availability in the market, outlet type, sales volume, product prices, and consumer demand.