Best Partner for Strategic Solution
With a vision “leading in strategic policy solutions”, we build a commitment to our partners, organizations, companies, and government institutions, to be the best partner
Business competition, which is driven by the increasing consumer need for the high-quality products and excellent service in the midst of rapid environmental changes, requires business people to identify, design, and implement various strategies to win the competition. Similarly, it is faced by government agencies and the public, mainly due to the increasing political awareness of the people. The public is increasingly demanding the improvement of excellent public services to government agencies and other public service providers. This situation raises the need for strategic policy and marketing research for companies, and public policy research for public institutions and governments. This starts from the formulation of master strategies to action plans.
The ability of businesses and public services to identify, formulate, and implement various strategies and policies is often influenced by a number of factors such as limited ability (competence, expertise, and experience). SEM Institute will help companies, public institutions, and governments to obtain excellent solutions in winning the competition or providing public services. Our services include consultation in problem formulation, problem-solving design, interpretation of study results, and strategic policy recommendations.
The availability of professional human resources (experts, high work ethics, and trustworthiness) in order to achieve resource efficiency, process optimization, and improve organizational performance, especially in implementing the right strategies and policies is a necessity for every organization. In order to support the HR development strategy that has been implemented, SEM Institute provides motivational and management training services as well as other training according to the need assessment.

Business competition, which is driven by the increasing consumer need for the high-quality products and excellent service in the midst of rapid environmental changes, requires business people to identify, design, and implement various strategies to win the competition. Similarly, it is faced by government agencies and the public, mainly due to the increasing political awareness of the people. The public is increasingly demanding the improvement of excellent public services to government agencies and other public service providers. This situation raises the need for strategic policy and marketing research for companies, and public policy research for public institutions and governments. This starts from the formulation of master strategies to action plans.

The ability of businesses and public services to identify, formulate, and implement various strategies and policies is often influenced by a number of factors such as limited ability (competence, expertise, and experience). SEM Institute will help companies, public institutions, and governments to obtain excellent solutions in winning the competition or providing public services. Our services include consultation in problem formulation, problem-solving design, interpretation of study results, and strategic policy recommendations.

The availability of professional human resources (experts, high work ethics, and trustworthiness) in order to achieve resource efficiency, process optimization, and improve organizational performance, especially in implementing the right strategies and policies is a necessity for every organization. In order to support the HR development strategy that has been implemented, SEM Institute provides motivational and management training services as well as other training according to the need assessment.
About Us
SEM Institute is a research, consultancy, and training institution in the field of strategic policy. As a growing institution, We are constantly exploring innovative ideas and brilliant solutions. In the field of strategic policy, we develop religious values as a basis for formulating institutional growth strategies without neglecting the development of the latest ideas. With this value, the strategy will be more rooted and executed with confidence. Likewise marketing solutions, we dig uniquely so that they are truly in accordance with the typology of consumers who increasingly want aspects of religiosity.
Our Experiences
As a research, consulting, and training institution in the field of strategic policy, We are always exploring innovative ideas and brilliant solutions
About Us
SEM Institute is a research, consultancy, and training institution in the field of strategic policy. As a growing institution, We are constantly exploring innovative ideas and brilliant solutions. In the field of strategic policy, we develop religious values as a basis for formulating institutional growth strategies without neglecting the development of the latest ideas. With this value, the strategy will be more rooted and executed with confidence. Likewise marketing solutions, we dig uniquely so that they are truly in accordance with the typology of consumers who increasingly want aspects of religiosity.
Our Experiences
As a research, consulting, and training institution in the field of strategic policy, We are always exploring innovative ideas and brilliant solutions
Kompetensi Kami
SEM Institute has been engaged in research since 2005, experienced in handling 97 research projects, 33 consulting services, and 47 training activities
SEM Institute has a network of trained and experienced field personnel/ enumerators/ surveyors and FGD moderators
Value Driven
We continue to explore innovative ideas and solution brilliance. With this capital, we gain the trust of partners because of the latest theoretical and applicable ideas as well as the values of religiosity that we uphold
Latest Science
As a research, consulting, and training institution in the field of strategic policy, SEM Instistute continues to explore innovative ideas and solutions
SEM Institute has experts competent and professional that supports quality of service given
Trust from Clients
With the experiences and brilliance of solutions, SEM Institute has gained the trust of various institutions / companies

Perumusan Isu-Isu Strategis dan Strategi Advokasi Kebijakan Syariat Islam di NAD 2008-2012
Sumatera Utara
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Sumatera Utara Tahun 2011
Kepulauan Riau
- Survei Harga Properti Residensial Tahun 2018, 2017, dan 2016
- Pengadaan PIHPS Pedagang Besar Tahun 2018 dan 2017
- Kegiatan Pencacahan Harga Komoditas PIHPS Kota Batam Tahun 2018, 2017, dan 2016
- Survei Pedagang Eceran (SPE) Batam Tahun 2018, 2017, dan 2016
- Survei Properti Komersial Tahun 2016
- Survei Database Profil UMKM Kepulauan Riau Tahun 2015
- Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Rumah Sakit Premier Bintaro Tahun 2011-2019
- Survei Dokter Rumah Sakit Premier Bintaro Tahun 2015
- Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Banten Tahun 2017
- Perumusan Kebijakan Sosial - Pendidikan (Bappeda Banten)
- b-SMART PLUS Training di Untirta Banten
DKI Jakarta
- Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Rumah Sakit Premier Jatinegara Tahun 2011-2019
- Survei Dokter Rumah Sakit Premier Jatinegara Tahun 2015
- Monitoring Penyaluran Bantuan Sosial Non Tunai di DKI Jakarta Tahun 2017
- Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2017
- Penelitian Pola Pembiayaan (Lending Model) Budidaya Ikan Kerapu di Kepulauan Seribu Tahun 2017
- Kajian Identifikasi Potensi Ekonomi dan Pengembangan Layanan Keuangan Digital di Pondok Pesantren yang berada di Wilayah DKI Jakarta Tahun 2016
- Monitoring Onsite Implementasi Layanan Keuangan Digital (LKD) di Jakarta Tahun 2016
- Survei database Profil UMKM di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2015
- Survei Evaluasi GSI Tahun 2002-2007
- Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas Unggulan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) di Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2007
- Survei Kinerja BAZIS DKI Periode 2001-2006
Jawa Barat
- Jasa Konsultasi Penelitian Pemetaan dan Identifikasi Kebutuhan Peningkatan Kapasitas LKM di Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2011
- Bedah Manajemen-Renstra (Strategic Planning) Dompet Dhuafa Bandung
Jawa Timur
Validasi Survei Kepuasan Pelanggan Rumah Sakit Premier Surabaya Tahun 2019, 2015, 2014, dan 2012
Nusa Tenggara Barat
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. NTB Tahun 2017
Kalimantan Selatan
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2017 dan 2012
Kalimantan Tengah
- Penelitian dan Survei Identifikasi Potensi Daerah dalam Rangka Implementasi LKD Tahun 2016 di Provinsi Kaimantan Tengah
- Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Tahun 2013
Kalimantan Timur
Bedah Manajemen-Renstra (Strategic Planning) di LAZ Baitul Mal Pupuk Kaltim - Bontang
Sulawesi Selatan
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Sulawesi Selatan Tahun 2017
Sulawesi Utara
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Sulawesi Utara Tahun 2016
Maluku Utara
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Maluku Utara Tahun 2013
Penelitian Pengembangan Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Prov. Maluku Tahun 2016
Survei Perolehan Data Properti Komersial Provinsi Bali Triwulan II 2016 dan Triwulan I 2017
Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM di Provinsi Riau Tahun 2016, 2012, dan 2011
Sumatera Barat
Penyediaan Informasi Database UMKM Di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2017, 2016, 2015, dan 2014
- Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Provinsi Jambi Tahun 2021 dan 2017
- Penyediaan Informasi Database UMKM di Provinsi Jambi Tahun 2016 dan 2014
Sumatera Selatan
- Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2016
- Penyusunan Database UMKM Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Tahun 2015
DI Yogyakarta
Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Tahun 2021
Sulawesi Barat
Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan UMKM Provinsi Sulawesi Barat Tahun 2021
Kalimantan Barat
Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Komoditas/Produk/Jenis Usaha (KPJU) Unggulan Tahun 2015
Penyusunan Konsep Bisnis Syariah dan Manual Mutu Syariah PT Elang Mega Pratama
Jawa Tengah
Survei Pemetaan Pelaku Pasar Formal Cabai dan Bawang Merah di Wilayah Klaster Tahun 2012
Survei Pemetaan Pelaku Pasar Formal Cabai dan Bawang Merah di Wilayah Klaster Tahun 2012
Our Competencies
SEM Institute has been engaged in research since 2005, experienced in handling 97 research projects, 33 consulting services, and 47 training activities
Value Driven
We continue to explore innovative ideas and solution brilliance. With this capital, we gain the trust of partners because of the latest theoretical and applicable ideas as well as the values of religiosity that we uphold
SEM Institute has a network of trained and experienced field personnel/ enumerators/surveyors and FGD moderators
Latest Science
As a research, consulting, and training institution in the field of strategic policy, SEM Instistute continues to explore innovative ideas and solutions
SEM Institute has experts competent and professional that supports quality of service given
Trust from Clients
With the experiences and brilliance of solutions, SEM Institute has gained the trust of various institutions / companies
Our Team

Karebet Widjajakusuma

Mohammad Arif Yunus

Rikza Saifullah

Masud Ridwan

Rizal Nashiruddin

Meriani Puspa Wardani
Tim Kami

Karebet Widjajakusuma

Rikza Saifullah

Rizal Nashiruddin

Mohammad Arif Yunus

Masud Ridwan

Meriani Puspa Wardani
Tim Kami

Karebet Widjajakusuma

Rikza Saifullah

Rizal Nashiruddin

Mohammad Arif Yunus

Masud Ridwan

Meriani Puspa Wardani
Our Clients and Partners

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Operational Office:
KPP IPB Baranangsiang IV Blok A/35 Tanah Baru, Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor 16154
- +622518341479
- +622518341479 (Fax)
- +628127272400
Marketing Office:
EightyEight@Kasablanka Tower A, 10E Floor
Jl. Raya Casablanka Kav 88, Jakarta 12870
- +622129631688
- +622129631689 (Fax)